all postcodes in M45 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M45 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M45 7AS 1 1 53.53444 -2.287119
M45 7AT 13 1 53.54066 -2.287131
M45 7AW 9 0 53.542068 -2.288574
M45 7AX 18 0 53.541127 -2.286815
M45 7AY 13 2 53.542087 -2.288137
M45 7AZ 33 0 53.541599 -2.28928
M45 7BA 3 0 53.540853 -2.288959
M45 7BB 22 0 53.541187 -2.288508
M45 7BD 26 0 53.540837 -2.288144
M45 7BG 2 1 53.544064 -2.291453
M45 7BL 5 0 53.539562 -2.291379
M45 7BN 21 0 53.539863 -2.293403
M45 7BQ 5 0 53.540593 -2.288745
M45 7BX 9 0 53.546568 -2.304406
M45 7BY 1 1 53.543149 -2.291132
M45 7DJ 16 0 53.557226 -2.298082
M45 7DL 26 0 53.558004 -2.29602
M45 7DR 1 1 53.546747 -2.304483
M45 7DZ 5 1 53.53989 -2.304283
M45 7EA 1 1 53.543219 -2.291842